U-3ARC at the FAO Regional Meeting in Africa

Madi Sakandé, president of U-3ARC, was a panelist at the 15th Edition of the Regional Meeting of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Africa. For Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) experts and technicians, it is a first to involve these players in such a meeting.

Daouda MBaye, journalist

U-3ARC at the FAO Regional Meeting in Africa

On the threshold of fruitful cooperation for socio-economic development in Africa… Food security and self-sufficiency are an everyday concern at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It is only fair that Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC), an essential vector for achieving these objectives throughout the world and more particularly in Africa, be involved and concerted. On the occasion of the 15th FAO Regional Meeting in Africa, Madi Sakandé, President U-3ARC, welcomed the invitation from this cross-cutting sector. Alongside leaders such as MM. Robert Guei, Regional Director of the FAO, Djibril Dramé, Agribusiness Officer at the Sub Regional Office for West Africa of the FAO, he made a number of recommendations on behalf of the Union of African Associations of Actors of Refrigeration and Air conditioning (U-3ARC) for FAO and African governments.

In his opinion, it is necessary to give pride of place to RAC sector, by integrating its promotion into policy documents and development strategies. This would involve the establishment of a favorable legal framework for the development of the RAC, the construction of refrigeration infrastructure in production and consumption areas, the promotion of youth entrepreneurship, the application of directives community on crafts, a framework for promoting the refrigeration profession…

RAC, not a luxury, but a necessity for development

Then, President U-3ARC recommends involving professional organizations and associations in the refrigeration field in the development and implementation of policies and strategies, as well as in activities related to RAC.

Regarding the strengthening of skills, Madi Sakandé recommends that the FOA and the African States support and develop professional training centers, where Cold is taught, while ensuring their proper functioning, their equipment with adequate teaching materials and facilitating the accessibility, notably through the granting of scholarships, without forgetting to establish specific faculties at the RAC, at university level.

Finally, carrying the voice of his peers, President U-3ARC defends initiating reflection on the zero-rating and/or exemption of refrigeration materials and equipment which do not constitute a luxury, but a necessity to ensure social development. -economic of countries.