After a first Training Session in May 2023, then a second in November 2023, the 3rd Training and Certification Session for members of the U-3ARC in Bologna (Italy), in collaboration with the famous Italian Training Institute Centro Studi Galileo takes place from May 13 to 17, 2024.
Daouda MBaye, Journalist
The Memorandum of Understanding, signed in March 2023 between U-3ARC and Institut Centro Studi Galileo, continues to pursue milstones in the training of African Technicians and refrigeration engineers. From May 13 to 17, 2024, around ten participants from Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Mali, Morocco, Rwanda and Senegal, including the 3 winners of the annual Dr Charity Kpabep Award Competition, Ms. Sokhna Fall ( Senegal), Binta Seydou Koïta and Diarrah Coulibaly (Mali), will receive training on FGas and alternative refrigerants.
According to the pre-established program, first 3 days are devoted to practical training, while Thursday is scheduled for an exam on the FGAs Regulation (non-flammable and fluorinated), therefore on good practices in the management of refrigerants in the environment. Those admitted to this test take the final exam on Friday on flammable refrigerants. President of U-3ARC, Madi Sakandé maintained that there will be an evaluation at the end of the training within the framework of the European Regulation on fluorinated gases and the Real Alternatives Program. He added that the Certificates, awarded at the end of the training, are valid throughout the European Union.
Beginnings of international cooperation
In terms of thanks, U-3ARC acknowledges the support of the NGO 'World Refrigeration Day' which fully financed the participation in this training session for the winners of the Dr Charity Kpabep Award Competition.
The high concern of the municipality of Calderara di Reno, through its municipal support for the international cooperation project, was praised by U-3ARC and expressed to the Mayor Mr. Giampiero Falzone. The local councilor brought, in his speech at the opening of the training session, institutional greetings and welcomed the 6 delegations from the 6 African states to his municipality and to Bargellino. He did not end his speech without welcoming what he described as an important initiative thanks to the president of U-3ARC and no less CEO of NEW COLD SYSTEM, Madi Sakandé, and his staff, but also to the Centro Studi Galileo. The mayor of the municipality of Calderara di Reno, who expressed his pride in having such vectors on his territory, finds that “This must be our world : growing together by sharing knowledge and skills. The way I have already been able to write, train and certify refrigeration technicians in Africa and developing countries in general is a great opportunity mainly for two reasons. Above all, the creation of an efficient cold chain would defeat endemic diseases, preserving vaccines and the creation of microeconomies, linked to the preservation and export of agricultural products. Secondly, training allows technicians to build a future without forcing them to emigrate and opens up important new markets for European companies. »… an entire program.